Humboldt Extension Vocabulary List of Terms

Humboldt Extension Vocabulary List of Terms

Humboldt Extension Vocabulary List of Terms
Namespace IRI
Preferred namespace abbreviation
Date version issued
Date created
Part of TDWG Standard
This version
Latest version
Previous version
Replaced by
The Humboldt Extension for Ecological Inventories provides a standardized vocabulary to report key information about biodiversity inventories, checklists and surveys, maximizing the usability and interoperability of these data. This vocabulary is employed along with the Darwin Core (DwC) terms, effectively broadening the scope of dwc:Event records by incorporating terms absent from the main DwC vocabulary. Terms included in the extension are defined such that they can accommodate hierarchical data structures allowing the representation of complex, highly nested survey designs, permitting the computation of relative abundances of species. This document lists all terms currently used in the vocabulary providing comments and examples of their usage along with ancillary documents that provide guidance on the use and interpretation of terms and the data structure needed to accommodate dwc:Event hierarchies frequently observed in ecological inventories.
Yanina V. Sica (Yale University), Kate Ingenloff (Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)), Paula Zermoglio (Instituto de Investigaciones en Recursos Naturales, Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural (IRNAD), UNRN-CONICET), Yi-Ming Gan (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences), Peter Brenton (Atlas of Living Australia, CSIRO), John Wieczorek (VertNet), Wesley M. Hochachka (Cornell Lab of Ornithology), Zachary R. Kachian (Keller Science Action Center, Field Museum of Natural History), Robert D. Stevenson (Department of Biology, University of Massachusetts Boston), Anahita J. N. Kazem (German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research, Leipzig and Friedrich Schiller University, Jena), Dmitry Schigel (Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)), Steven J. Baskauf (Vanderbilt University Libraries), Tomomi Suwa (Keller Science Action Center, Field Museum of Natural History), Robert Guralnick (Florida Museum of Natural History), Ramona L. Walls (University of Arizona), Walter Jetz (Yale University)
TDWG Humboldt Extension Task Group
Bibliographic citation
TDWG Humboldt Extension Task Group. 2023. Humboldt Extension Vocabulary List of Terms. Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG).

1 Introduction

This document contains all former and current terms in the 2023-09-03 version of the Humboldt Extension for Ecological Inventories vocabulary ( The vocabulary uses the namespace abbreviation eco:.

For a simplified list that contains only the currently recommended terms, see the Humboldt Extension Quick Reference Guide (

1.1 Status of the content of this document

In Section 4, the values of the Term IRI, and Definition are normative. The values of Term Name are non-normative, although one can expect that the namespace abbreviation prefix is one commonly used for the term namespace. Label and the values of all other properties (such as Notes and Examples) are non-normative.

1.2 RFC 2119 key words

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC 2119] and [RFC 8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

2 Use of Terms

The terms in this extension are meant to provide stable definitions that can be used in a variety of biodiversity inventory contexts but were envisioned principally to function together as an extension to Darwin Core. This vocabulary allows the reporting of detailed information about the inventory process such as i) a general description of the survey, ii) where an inventory takes place and the habitat characteristics and environmental conditions of survey sites, iii) when an inventory takes place, iv) the target taxonomic group, life stages, growth forms, and degrees of establishment of the organisms sampled, v) the methodology implemented (inventory type performed, protocol(s) used, absence reported, material samples or vouchers collected, non-target taxa reported), and vi) the completeness of the inventory and the sampling effort applied. This extension allows the representation of complex, highly nested survey designs, an ancillary document explaining how dwc:Event hierarchies for ecological inventories should be structured and providing guidance on the use of the terms in the context of parent and child dwc:Event(s) can be found at To assist in the interpretation of the term eco:isLeastSpecificTargetCategoryQuantityInclusive a detailed description of its use is provided at

3 Term index

3.1 Index By Term Name

(See also 3.2 Index By Label)


Humboldt Extension Event terms

eco:absentTaxa | eco:abundanceCap | eco:areNonTargetTaxaFullyReported | eco:compilationSourceTypes | eco:compilationType | eco:eventDuration | eco:eventDurationUnit | eco:excludedDegreeOfEstablishmentScope | eco:excludedGrowthFormScope | eco:excludedHabitatScope | eco:excludedLifeStageScope | eco:excludedTaxonomicScope | eco:geospatialScopeAreaInSquareKilometers | eco:hasMaterialSamples | eco:hasNonTargetOrganisms | eco:hasNonTargetTaxa | eco:hasVouchers | eco:identificationReferences | eco:identifiedBy | eco:inventoryTypes | eco:isAbsenceReported | eco:isAbundanceCapReported | eco:isAbundanceReported | eco:isDegreeOfEstablishmentScopeFullyReported | eco:isGrowthFormScopeFullyReported | eco:isLeastSpecificTargetCategoryQuantityInclusive | eco:isLifeStageScopeFullyReported | eco:isSamplingEffortReported | eco:isTaxonomicScopeFullyReported | eco:isVegetationCoverReported | eco:materialSampleTypes | eco:nonTargetTaxa | eco:protocolDescription | eco:protocolNames | eco:protocolReferences | eco:reportedExtremeConditions | eco:reportedWeather | eco:samplingEffortProtocol | eco:samplingEffortUnit | eco:samplingEffortValue | eco:samplingPerformedBy | eco:siteCount | eco:siteNestingDescription | eco:targetDegreeOfEstablishmentScope | eco:targetGrowthFormScope | eco:targetHabitatScope | eco:targetLifeStageScope | eco:targetTaxonomicScope | eco:taxonCompletenessProtocols | eco:taxonCompletenessReported | eco:totalAreaSampledInSquareKilometers | eco:verbatimSiteDescriptions | eco:verbatimSiteNames | eco:voucherInstitutions

3.2 Index By Label

(See also 3.1 Index By Term Name)


Humboldt Extension Event terms

Absent Taxa | Abundance Cap | Are Non-target Taxa Fully Reported | Compilation Source Types | Compilation Type | Event Duration | Event Duration Unit | Excluded Degree of Establishment Scope | Excluded Growth Form Scope | Excluded Habitat Scope | Excluded Life Stage Scope | Excluded Taxonomic Scope | Geospatial Scope Area In Square Kilometers | Has Material Samples | Has Non-target Organisms | Has Non-target Taxa | Has Vouchers | Identification References | Identified By | Inventory Types | Is Absence Reported | Is Abundance Cap Reported | Is Abundance Reported | Is Degree of Establishment Scope Fully Reported | Is Growth Form Scope Fully Reported | Is Least Specific Target Category Quantity Inclusive | Is Life Stage Scope Fully Reported | Is Sampling Effort Reported | Is Taxonomic Scope Fully Reported | Is Vegetation Cover Reported | Material Sample Types | Non-target Taxa | Protocol Description | Protocol Names | Protocol References | Reported Extreme Conditions | Reported Weather | Sampling Effort Protocol | Sampling Effort Unit | Sampling Effort Value | Sampling Performed By | Site Count | Site Nesting Description | Target Degree of Establishment Scope | Target Growth Form Scope | Target Habitat Scope | Target Life Stage Scope | Target Taxonomic Scope | Taxon Completeness Protocols | Taxon Completeness Reported | Total Area Sampled In Square Kilometers | Verbatim Site Descriptions | Verbatim Site Names | Voucher Institutions

4 Vocabulary

Term Name eco:absentTaxa
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Absent Taxa
Definition A list (concatenated and separated) of taxa reported absent during the dwc:Event.
Notes Absences can be reported at any taxonomic level. Recommended best practice is to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • Parabuteo unicinctus | Geranoaetus melanoleucus
  • Cetoniinae | Aclopinae | Cyclocephala modesta
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:abundanceCap
Term IRI
Modified 2023-08-25
Term version IRI
Label Abundance Cap
Definition The reported maximum number of dwc:Organisms.
  • 300
  • 700
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:areNonTargetTaxaFullyReported
Term IRI
Modified 2023-08-25
Term version IRI
Label Are Non-target Taxa Fully Reported
Definition Every dwc:Organism that was outside of the target taxonomic scope (the combination of eco:targetTaxonomicScope and eco:excludedTaxonomicScope) and detected during the dwc:Event, and that was detectable using the given protocol (given in eco:protocolDescription and dwc:samplingProtocol), was reported.
Notes This term is meant to inform a user of the data whether there were non-target taxa that were detected, but left unreported. This term is only relevant if the dwc:Event used restricted search or open search methods and if a target taxonomic scope is declared. Taxonomic scope is based on the combination of eco:targetTaxonomicScope and eco:excludedTaxonomicScope. Within dwc:Events that used either a restricted search or an open search method and declared a taxonomic scope, if all dwc:Organisms that are not included within the target taxonomic scope and that were detected during the dwc:Event were reported, the value of this term should be 'true', otherwise the value of this term should be false'.
  • true
  • false
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:compilationSourceTypes
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Compilation Source Types
Definition The types of data sources contributing to the compilation reported.
Notes This term is only relevant if the dwc:Event is a compilation in which one or more types of data sources were used. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary and separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • museum specimens
  • literature
  • expert knowledge | local knowledge
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:compilationType
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Compilation Type
Definition A statement specifying whether data reported are derived from sampling events, ancillary data compiled from other sources, or a combination of both.
Notes This term is only relevant if the dwc:Event is an inventory. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary.
  • survey only
  • compilation including surveys
  • compilation not including surveys
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:eventDuration
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Event Duration
Definition The numeric value for the duration of the dwc:Event.
Notes An eco:eventDuration must have a corresponding eco:eventDurationUnit.
  • 1
  • 30
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:eventDurationUnit
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Event Duration Unit
Definition The units associated with the eco:eventDuration.
Notes Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary.
  • minutes
  • hours
  • days
  • months
  • years
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:excludedDegreeOfEstablishmentScope
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Excluded Degree of Establishment Scope
Definition The degrees of establishment of the dwc:Organisms explicitly excluded from sampling during the dwc:Event.
Notes Recommended best practice is to use controlled value strings from the controlled vocabulary ( for dwc:degreeOfEstablishment. For details, refer to Recommended best practice is to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • native (category A)
  • invasive (category D2) | widespread invasive (category E)
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:excludedGrowthFormScope
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Excluded Growth Form Scope
Definition The growth forms or habits of the dwc:Organisms explicitly excluded from sampling during the dwc:Event.
Notes Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary and separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • tree
  • shrub | sub-shrub
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:excludedHabitatScope
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Excluded Habitat Scope
Definition The habitats explicitly excluded from sampling during the dwc:Event.
Notes Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary and separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • wet flatwoods
  • swamp | estuary
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:excludedLifeStageScope
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Excluded Life Stage Scope
Definition The age classes or life stages of the dwc:Organisms explicitly excluded from sampling during the dwc:Event.
Notes This term is defined based on dwc:lifeStage ( Recommended best practice is to use the same controlled vocabulary as for dwc:lifeStage and to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • seedling
  • nestling | fledgling
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:excludedTaxonomicScope
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Excluded Taxonomic Scope
Definition The taxonomic group(s) explicitly excluded from sampling during the dwc:Event.
Notes The dwc:Event to which the eco:excludedTaxonomicScope refers could be at any level of hierarchy. In the case of a higher level (parent) dwc:Event, include all the taxonomic groups explicitly excluded from the child dwc:Events that contributed to the parent dwc:Event. Recommended best practice is to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • Aves
  • Quercus
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:geospatialScopeAreaInSquareKilometers
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Geospatial Scope Area In Square Kilometers
Definition Total area of the geospatial scope of the dwc:Event in square kilometers.
Notes Geospatial scope refers to the dwc:Event location reported using the terms organized in Darwin Core under dcterms:Location. This area is always greater than or equal to the totalAreaSampledInSquareKilometers.
Examples 25
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:hasMaterialSamples
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Has Material Samples
Definition Material samples were collected during the dwc:Event.
  • true
  • false
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:hasNonTargetOrganisms
Term IRI
Modified 2023-08-25
Term version IRI
Label Has Non-target Organisms
Definition One or more dwc:Organisms outside the target organismal scopes (eco:targetDegreeOfEstablishmentScope, eco:targetGrowthFormScope, and eco:targetLifeStageScope) were detected and reported for this dwc:Event.
Notes This term is meant to alert users to the presence of non-target organisms (in some disciplines called “bycatch”) reported in this dwc:Event. This term is relevant only if a target organismal scope is declared. Organismal scope is based on the combination of all of the following terms: eco:targetLifeStageScope, eco:excludedLifeStageScope, eco:targetDegreeOfEstablishmentScope, eco:excludedDegreeOfEstablishmentScope, eco:targetGrowthFormScope, and eco:excludedGrowthFormScope. Examination of the organismal scope is needed in order to identify the non-target dwc:Organisms. It should be possible to confirm the expectations by investigating the dwc:Occurrences in this dwc:Event and in its child dwc:Events (if available). The value of this term should be 'true' if dwc:Occurrences of dwc:Organisms outside the organismal scope(s) as defined at the time of the dwc:Event are reported, otherwise the value of this term should be 'false'.
  • true
  • false
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:hasNonTargetTaxa
Term IRI
Modified 2023-08-25
Term version IRI
Label Has Non-target Taxa
Definition One or more dwc:Organisms of taxa outside the target taxonomic scope (the combination of eco:targetTaxonomicScope and eco:excludedTaxonomicScope) were detected and reported for this dwc:Event.
Notes This term is meant to alert users to the presence of non-target taxa (in some disciplines called “bycatch”) reported in this dwc:Event. This term is relevant only if a target taxonomic scope is declared. Taxonomic scope is based on the combination of eco:targetTaxonomicScope and eco:excludedTaxonomicScope. Examination of the taxonomic scope is needed in order to identify the non-target taxa. It should be possible to confirm the expectations by investigating the dwc:Occurrences in this dwc:Event and in its child dwc:Events (if available) or by exploring eco:nonTargetTaxa for this dwc:Event (if populated). The value of this term should be 'true' if dwc:Occurrences of taxa outside the taxonomic scope as defined at the time of the dwc:Event are reported, otherwise the value of this term should be 'false'.
  • true
  • false
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:hasVouchers
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Has Vouchers
Definition Specimen vouchers were collected during the dwc:Event.
  • true
  • false
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:identificationReferences
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Identification References
Definition A list (concatenated and separated) of references (publication, global unique identifier, URI) used in the Identification.
Notes Recommended best practice is to separate the values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • Aves del Noroeste Patagonico. Christie et al. 2004.
  • Stebbins, R. Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians. 3rd Edition. 2003. | Irschick, D.J. and Shaffer, H.B. (1997). The polytypic species revisited: Morphological differentiation among tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) (Amphibia: Caudata). Herpetologica, 53(1), 30-49.
ABCD equivalence DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/Identifications/Identification/References
Type Property
Term Name eco:identifiedBy
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Identified By
Definition A list (concatenated and separated) of names of people, groups, or organizations who assigned the dwc:Taxon to the subject.
Notes Recommended best practice is to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • James L. Patton
  • Theodore Pappenfuss | Robert Macey
ABCD equivalence DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/Identifications/Identification/Identifiers/IdentifiersText
Type Property
Term Name eco:inventoryTypes
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Inventory Types
Definition The types of search processes used to conduct the inventory.
Notes This term is only relevant if the dwc:Event represents an inventory. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the terms included under the Biological Collections Ontology superclass 'taxonomic inventory process' ( Recommended best practice is to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • restricted search
  • open search
  • opportunistic search
  • adventitious
  • compilation
  • open search | opportunistic search
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:isAbsenceReported
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Is Absence Reported
Definition Taxonomic absences were reported.
Notes Absences can be reported at any taxonomic level.
  • true
  • false
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:isAbundanceCapReported
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Is Abundance Cap Reported
Definition A maximum number of dwc:Organisms was reported, as specified or restricted by the protocol used.
Notes Values of abundance cap should be captured under the term eco:abundanceCap.
  • true
  • false
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:isAbundanceReported
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Is Abundance Reported
Definition The number of dwc:Organisms collected or observed was reported.
Notes Typically the abundance values would be reported in the dwc:organismQuantity and dwc:organismQuantityType terms for the child dwc:Occurrence records for this dwc:Event.
  • true
  • false
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:isDegreeOfEstablishmentScopeFullyReported
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Is Degree of Establishment Scope Fully Reported
Definition Every dwc:Organism that was included within the degree of establishment scope, and was detected during the dwc:Event, was reported.
Notes This term is only relevant if the dwc:Event used restricted search or open search methods. If all dwc:Organisms included within the degree of establishment scope and detected during the dwc:Event were reported, the value should be 'true'. Degree of establishment scope is based on the combination of eco:targetDegreeOfEstablishmentScope and eco:excludedDegreeOfEstablishmentScope.
  • true
  • false
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:isGrowthFormScopeFullyReported
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Is Growth Form Scope Fully Reported
Definition Every dwc:Organism that was included within the growth form scope, and was detected during the dwc:Event, was reported.
Notes This term is only relevant if the dwc:Event used restricted search or open search methods. If all dwc:Organisms included within the growth form scope and detected during the dwc:Event were reported, the value should be 'true'. Growth form scope is based on the combination of eco:targetGrowthFormScope and eco:excludedGrowthFormScope.
  • true
  • false
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:isLeastSpecificTargetCategoryQuantityInclusive
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Is Least Specific Target Category Quantity Inclusive
Definition The total detected quantity for a dwc:Taxon (including subcategories thereof) in a dwc:Event is given explicitly in a single record (dwc:organismQuantity value) for that dwc:Taxon.
Notes Recommended values are 'true' and 'false'. This term is only relevant if dwc:organismQuantity is a number. For a detailed explanation, see
  • true
  • false
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:isLifeStageScopeFullyReported
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Is Life Stage Scope Fully Reported
Definition Every dwc:Organism that was included within the life stage scope, and was detected during the dwc:Event, was reported.
Notes This term is only relevant if the dwc:Event used restricted search or open search methods. If all dwc:Organisms included within the life stage scope and detected during the dwc:Event were reported, the value should be 'true'. Life stage scope is based on the combination of eco:targetLifeStageScope and eco:excludedLifeStageScope.
  • true
  • false
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:isSamplingEffortReported
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Is Sampling Effort Reported
Definition The sampling effort associated with the dwc:Event was reported.
Notes Typically values of effort would be captured under the terms eco:samplingEffortValue and eco:samplingEffortUnit.
  • true
  • false
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:isTaxonomicScopeFullyReported
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Is Taxonomic Scope Fully Reported
Definition Every dwc:Organism that was included within the taxonomic scope, and was detected during the dwc:Event, was reported.
Notes This term is only relevant if the dwc:Event used restricted search or open search methods. If all dwc:Organisms included within the taxonomic scope and detected during the dwc:Event were reported, the value should be 'true'. Taxonomic scope is based on the combination of eco:targetTaxonomicScope and eco:excludedTaxonomicScope.
  • true
  • false
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:isVegetationCoverReported
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Is Vegetation Cover Reported
Definition A vegetation cover metric was reported.
Notes Typically values or descriptions of vegetation cover would be captured under the term eco:verbatimSiteDescriptions.
  • true
  • false
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:materialSampleTypes
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Material Sample Types
Definition A list (concatenated and separated) of material sample types collected during the dwc:Event.
Notes Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary and separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • whole organism
  • skeleton
  • tissue | blood | fecal | stomach content
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:nonTargetTaxa
Term IRI
Modified 2023-08-25
Term version IRI
Label Non-target Taxa
Definition A list (concatenated and separated) of taxa reported during the dwc:Event that are outside of the target taxonomic scope (the combination of eco:targetTaxonomicScope and eco:excludedTaxonomicScope).
Notes This term is meant to allow the full list of taxa that are considered outside of the taxonomic scope and yet were reported in the dataset to be shared. This term is relevant only if a target taxonomic scope is declared and eco:hasNonTargetTaxa is ‘true’. Taxonomic scope is based on the combination of eco:targetTaxonomicScope and eco:excludedTaxonomicScope. Non-target taxa (in some disciplines called “bycatch”) can be reported at any taxonomic level. Recommended best practice is to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • Parabuteo unicinctus | Geranoaetus melanoleucus
  • Cetoniinae | Aclopinae | Cyclocephala modesta
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:protocolDescription
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Protocol Description
Definition A detailed description of the methods used during the dwc:Event.
Notes This description should be associated with protocols provided in eco:protocolNames. The description may include deviations from a protocol referred to in eco:protocolReferences. Recommended good practice is to provide information about instruments used, calibration, etc.
Examples `Three conventional harp traps (3.2m ht x 2.2m w) were established in flight path zones for a period of 4 hrs at dawn and dusk for a total of 10 trap nights. Traps were visited on an hourly basis during each deployment period and the trap catch recorded for species, size, weight, sex, age and maternal status.
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:protocolNames
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Protocol Names
Definition Categorical descriptive names for the methods used during the dwc:Event.
Notes Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary and separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • box trapping
  • flora inventory
  • box trapping | funnel trapping
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:protocolReferences
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Protocol References
Definition The references to the methods used during the dwc:Event.
Notes Recommended best practice is to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
Examples Penguins from space: faecal stains reveal the location of emperor penguin colonies,
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:reportedExtremeConditions
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Reported Extreme Conditions
Definition A description of any extreme weather or environmental conditions that may have affected the dwc:Event.
  • flooding during week 3 of surveys
  • rockslide at site 2
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:reportedWeather
Term IRI
Modified 2023-08-25
Term version IRI
Label Reported Weather
Definition A list of weather or climatic conditions present during the dwc:Event.
Notes Recommended best practice is to use a key:value encoding schema for a data interchange format such as JSON.
Examples {"minimumTemperatureInDegreesFahrenheit": 18, "maximumTemperatureInDegreesFahrenheit": 32}
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:samplingEffortProtocol
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Sampling Effort Protocol
Definition A description of or reference (publication or URL) to the methods used to determine the sampling effort.
Notes This description should be associated with the values reported in eco:samplingEffortValue and eco:samplingEffortUnit. This is a specialization of eco:protocolDescription focused on effort, distinct from the survey method. The effort relates to the intensity of sampling and therefore can assist in interpreting estimates of completeness.
  • 40 box traps deployed at even spacings along 4 parallel 100m transects placed 50m apart and visited at 6 hourly intervals over a 48 hour period
  • 2 people occupying a bird hide for a period of 8 hours and undertaking a 30 minute count of species within the 150 degree field of view every 2 hours
  • A single baited camera trap station with motion sensor trigger, deployed for a period of 10 days and configured for detecting large fauna moving through a known traffic way
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:samplingEffortUnit
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Sampling Effort Unit
Definition The units associated with the eco:samplingEffortValue.
Notes Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary.
  • trap hours
  • person hours
  • trap days
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:samplingEffortValue
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Sampling Effort Value
Definition The numeric value for the sampling effort expended during the dwc:Event.
Notes This term is meant to capture the total sampling effort value. To express details of how the effort was determined use eco:samplingEffortProtocol. For compilations it is recommend not to infer effort. An eco:samplingEffortValue must have a corresponding eco:samplingEffortUnit.
  • 1900
  • 40
  • 5.5
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:samplingPerformedBy
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Sampling Performed By
Definition A person, group, or organization responsible for recording the dwc:Event.
Notes The sampling dwc:Event could be at any level of hierarchy. In the case of a higher level (parent) dwc:Event, include all the organizations or people involved in the child dwc:Events that contributed to the parent dwc:Event. Recommended best practice is to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • North American Butterlfy Association
  • KK Wall
  • JJ Green
  • LL Pink and FF Grey | Aspen Center for Environmental Studies
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:siteCount
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Site Count
Definition Total number of individual sites surveyed during the dwc:Event.
Notes Site refers to the location at which observations are made or samples/measurements are taken. The site can be at any level of hierarchy.
  • 1
  • 15
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:siteNestingDescription
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Site Nesting Description
Definition Textual description of the hierarchical sampling design.
Notes Site refers to the location at which observations are made or samples/measurements are taken. The site can be at any level of hierarchy.
Examples 5 sampling sites of 3-5 plots each
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:targetDegreeOfEstablishmentScope
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Target Degree of Establishment Scope
Definition The degrees of establishment of the dwc:Organisms targeted for sampling during the dwc:Event.
Notes Recommended best practice is to use controlled value strings from the controlled vocabulary ( for dwc:degreeOfEstablishment. For details, refer to Recommended best practice is to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • native (category A)
  • invasive (category D2) | widespread invasive (category E)
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:targetGrowthFormScope
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Target Growth Form Scope
Definition The growth forms or habits of the dwc:Organisms targeted for sampling during the dwc:Event.
Notes Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary and separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • tree
  • shrub | sub-shrub
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:targetHabitatScope
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Target Habitat Scope
Definition The habitats targeted for sampling during the dwc:Event.
Notes Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary and separate the values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • dunes
  • pine forest
  • riparian
  • scrub | grassland
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:targetLifeStageScope
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Target Life Stage Scope
Definition The age classes or life stages of the dwc:Organisms targeted for sampling during the dwc:Event.
Notes This term is defined based on dwc:lifeStage ( Recommended best practice is to use the same controlled vocabulary as for dwc:lifeStage and to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • larva
  • adult | juvenile
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:targetTaxonomicScope
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Target Taxonomic Scope
Definition The taxonomic group(s) targeted for sampling during the dwc:Event.
Notes The dwc:Event to which the eco:targetTaxonomicScope refers could be at any level of hierarchy. In the case of a higher level (parent) dwc:Event, include all taxonomic groups surveyed in the child dwc:Events that contributed to the parent dwc:Event. Recommended best practice is to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • Aves
  • Aves | Mammalia
  • Procellariformes
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:taxonCompletenessProtocols
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Taxon Completeness Protocols
Definition A description of or reference (publication, URL) to the methods used to determine eco:taxonCompletenessReported.
Notes This term allows users to determine how comprehensively an area has been sampled. Recommended best practice is to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • census | based on sampling effort
  • based on species accumulation curves
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:taxonCompletenessReported
Term IRI
Modified 2023-08-25
Term version IRI
Label Taxon Completeness Reported
Definition Statement about whether the taxonomic completeness of the dwc:Event was assessed.
Notes This term is meant to alert users that the inventory was conducted in such a way that all of the target taxa (the combination of eco:targetTaxonomicScope and eco:excludedTaxonomicScope) should have been detectable if they were present during the dwc:Event. This term can provide data users with a qualitative measure of how comprehensively an area has been surveyed, which assists in interpreting species populations, areas of occupancy, inferring species absences, etc. This term is only relevant if the dwc:Event used restricted search or open search methods. If taxonomic completeness was assessed, the methods used or an explanation of the basis of the completeness should be stated in eco: taxonCompletenessProtocols. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary.
  • not reported
  • reported complete
  • reported incomplete
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:totalAreaSampledInSquareKilometers
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Total Area Sampled In Square Kilometers
Definition Total area surveyed during the dwc:Event in square kilometers.
Notes This area is always less than or equal to the geospatialScopeAreaInSquareKilometers.
Examples 0.8
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:verbatimSiteDescriptions
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Verbatim Site Descriptions
Definition Original textual description of the site(s).
Notes Site refers to the location at which observations are made or samples/measurements are taken. The site can be at any level of hierarchy. Recommended best practice is to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
Examples Wet flatwoods | Wet depression surrounded by mesic longleaf pine flatwoods | Ground cover of thick Andropogon spp., Sporobolus floridanus, Vaccinium spp, Rhynchospora spp., Centella erecta, Panicum rigidulum.
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:verbatimSiteNames
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Verbatim Site Names
Definition A list (concatenated and separated) of original site names.
Notes Site refers to the location at which observations are made or samples/measurements are taken. The site can be at any level of hierarchy. Recommended best practice is to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • East Coastal Fringe | St. Marks Wildlife Management Area
  • S1 | S2 | C1 | C2 | R14 | R22 | W1
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property
Term Name eco:voucherInstitutions
Term IRI
Modified 2023-09-03
Term version IRI
Label Voucher Institutions
Definition A list (concatenated and separated) of the names or acronyms of the institutions where vouchers collected during the dwc:Event were deposited.
Notes Recommended best practice is to separate multiple values in a list with space vertical bar space ( | ).
  • FMNH
  • AMNH | MVZ
  • Nairobi National Museum
ABCD equivalence not in ABCD
Type Property